Sunday, March 6, 2011

Birthday :)

WooHoo! it's my birthday :D lot of cake ooooh :)

I got a soldering iron! so now I can solder all my connections perfectly! :)

And a bag to keep my laptop save while traveling which will be very handy indeed!

To give you an update on my project of the sungreeter I must say that it is going pretty well. I tested it a couple of days this week and everything seemed to go alright. I put some string on one of the gears. This made it wind up so I could see if it had worked when I wasn't there and also a bit how long it turned. And that worked pretty well. Except that it locked itself one time by making a loop by accident and making a knot on itself. But other than that it worked fine :).

But I think that I will finish this project now because it kind of stops my flow of testing things. Now that I can use my broken headphones as audio Output I want to experiment with that. And hopefully I will get more experience more quickly like this. And then I can test the sungreeter when the sun is more out there :). So in about a month I think. And maybe I can add some other things that it can detect and react to. (And also give it something more interesting to do, maybe using the speakers eh?)

Also I tried some tutorials of VVVV. which is quite interesting but still nothing amazing or slightly interesting came out of it yet. (I've put 5 dots on my screen output! amazing isn't it?) Maybe Later I can use the Arduino as Input or Output device to make it react maybe...

I need to figure out how the arduino can store data and upload it to my laptop when I connnect it to it later. ...

anyway, later this week i hope to put some pictures here to show you the string :) (amazingly interesting pictures I promise :))



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