Sunday, March 20, 2011

Photo Frenzy

Hi there!!!!

The sun shines!!!! wooooh! :)

And I just had a Barbeque (When it rained..) for my friends to celebrate my birthday :). Good times :).

Anyway, last monday I had a burst of inspiration (not too much but everything went smoothly). And I made this:

Lightsensor combined with a Pot Meter from FrankBorsboom on Vimeo.

It's almost the same set up like last week but now I added a potmeter that sets a delay between the beeps. which creates this funky syntesizer-ish sound :).

The only thing that seems to go wrong is that the delays, or intervals, get longer as the tone is higher. Somehow that kind of messes up the program and it also sometimes just stops the Arduino completely. Maybe I need to get into the documentation to see how the tone() function works...

But this is kind of all that I did this week!... I'm sorry... But the Barbeque and the coming back of Aurora from China took pretty much all my time so I couldn't really do to much...

But with the good weather I could make some pictures of some cool stuff, like my presents :D.

First off all an update on my mint plat (Don't know why that would concern you but I like it :D):

It grew a lot taller! :)

From my housemates I have gotten a spice garden to grow my own spices. The ones that are already in there are these (don't know yet what it is...):

I also planted some seeds that I got from my mother, which are some kind of rucola flavoured small plants (don't know the English word.... sorry). And I put them in my old Mokka Pot! :

And talking about coffee, some nice new glasses that I got:

And finally, the last but certainly not the least, my cardboard bird house, hopefully put on a good spot :) :

So, that was it,... my photo frenzy.

I hope you liked it :)

I did :)

ok I'll go now


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