Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A new start? or something like that

Hi there!

How 're you doing? Okay, so here's the deal: I want to find out if I like some things and if I do I need to get better with it. 

"So what are you talking about then?" you might ask. Well... I've always followed things from and the interactive physical prototypes sometimes presented at, and I think I want to do things like these, but I still need to find out. I had already a little taste and it tasted really good, so now I want to see if I like the complete dish.

"But why now?" Because I found out that I'm never really focused on one subject but always pass through some subjects every week. And this doesn't really help me with finding something i might be good in. So now i've found this subject that i want to explore.

"What do you want to explore?" Some programs and projects that I've found or thought of. I've found programs like vvvv and Processing which i want to find out, and also I would like to start experimenting with and Arduino.


"An Arduino you say?" Yeah! a great piece of technology that I happen to be able to borrow from some really cool people.

"So what now?" I'll post a post every week with a new experiment, thinking process, concept, update on my improvements.

"Good luck" Thanks :) I'll make diner now ...

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