Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Hi There!

Um... this week has been a bit weak with new updates... I haven't done anything amazing... ah well You can't do that every time, can you? :) And besides it has also been Christmas and everything so I haven't really had any time to do anything. So....

I did do something... I continued with the tutorials from and made some process, though kind of little. But i did learn some more coding thing which might come in handy some time later, so nothing is changing on the surface, undeneath the surface things are changing... little by little :)

Something that i made to show you what I did is this:

It's a little GIF of a thing i made for a tutorial, which I think I can make better (or at least cooler) with a Potentiometer. though we'll see about that later. (sometimes the GIF acts a little funny... but you should see the lights turn on and off subsequently.)

Come back next week! hopefully I have made some other progress. And I am going to Goettingen during the weekend! so I will ty to make a Video of it.. Lets see how that will work :).

see you next week!


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