Monday, February 6, 2012

Too much things and not enough time.


I guess it has been 2 months now since I posted anything over here. I guess it has been good, but then again it hasn't been very productive. The reason that I didn't post anything anymore is that I got kind of overwhelmed by all the things that I needed to do for me, my graduation project, and my social things. And because of this I was just running from place to place to get everything covered. But it wasn't really nice.

So now, with the new year I decided that I should slow things down a bit and don't do to much. So I stopped my sports, I do run occasionally (but not in the snow). And I started to work less at IKEA, which helped things a lot!

'But', you might ask 'Then, if you changed all this at the beginning of the year, why the hell haven't you posted anything yet?' (Ok, this doesn't make that much sense as it did in my head... but anyway :) ), Well I also needed to move from my old trusty home! So all in all I just recently started to do some cool things again, which I will now show you :)

First of all is something that I always wanted to have done in my life and that is to make an elastic band ball!

This takes painstaking hours of work and concentration (read the irony! :) but it did take hours!) to pull this together. The label of the elastic band package told me it were about 120 elastic bands, so that is what I'll tell you :). it is a 120 elastic bands elastic band ball!

I also once found that art of Dmitry Maximov, which is really cool. Especially his use of colours, photos with lots of depth of field and the contrast of the images. This made me think that it would be awesome to create something like this as an animation.
So this is what I did :)

Here you can see the result: a bit shaky. But I like my first try :). Also you can see my new room in it, although maybe you don't really see it.... but that is my new room.

So that was all!
till next week! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hee, cool dat je ook weer een bericht hebt!
    Blij met je nieuwe kamer?
