Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back again!

Soo,... It's been a long time now since my last post, 3 to 4 weeks i guess..

There are a couple of reasons for this: First one is that I'm working on a processing sketch that I wanted to finish before showing or uploading it. It is a continuation of the sketches that I showed earlier but Now with an interaction between the points when they come close to each other. The sketch is called "Love" and it is supposed to be a kind of dance between the points.

Here I have some sketches of the the notes and calculations I made so far:

It is a nice process to keep track of and I hope that I will finish it soon and maybe develop it further.

Another reason for not having posted anything is that I didn't have that much time anymore, I found a job! I now work in the storage of IKEA in the early morning, so I still have time in the afternoon to do stuff. But I find that or I'm to tired to really work on it, or the day is just to short to do everything I'd like to do. But there is a good side on this, I make some money! making my budget a bit bigger and hopefully allowing me to do a bit more awesome stuff :).

And the last, but certainly not least, reason is Zsennye. Zsennye is a small village in Hungary where there is an annual design workshop. And I was there, together with Aurora and Tine, a friend of Aurora. It was a week long and filled with lunch, lectures and time to work on a design assignment together with your team.
I was in a group called Functure and we were trying to design intelligent furniture. Either the design or the product itself is intelligent, it didn't matter. And it was a lot of fun! Our mentor was Tibor Szentpéteri a designer which was now designing for about 40 years in Hungary and had a lot of experience and knowledge. It was really interesting to talk with him about the history of design and also how it is now and a little bit about where it might be going.

A couple of thing followed from this workshop, firstly I got some inspiration back And above all: motivation to start on my graduation project, which I was kind of lacking in...

Tibor had a book with him, actually a lot of them (I neeeeeeeed more books, boooks are awesome!!!), and one of them was a book that I already wanted to buy, Digital by Design by Troika. It contains all sorts of awesome projects and products. And one of them are the Helioforms:

These are small robots that react on light and can light some LEDs when it is dark. Maybe not that amazing, but it is done with just a couple of simple electronical elements. They are part of BEAM robots. And strangely enough I already knew these robots, when I was about 12 years old I saw a documentary about robots on Discovery Channel and this was a small part of it. I never found it again, but now I saw it and found it finally! :)

Okay, so of course now I want to make them too. So I already scrambled a bit and I found two capacitors and one transistor, So I hope I can use them. I also got my housemates lighting struck computer, to get more components.

 I'm thinking of some robots to make, but more importantly I think I can make a small sungreeter in a very low cost way, instead of using Arduino. So I hope I can make it and then create cooler things with these robot like things...
I also already bought a new light from HEMA which uses LED! and can give me a better look at the components, hopefully.

The last, or one of the last, good things from Zsennye is this:

 It was an experiment (I think) of one of the other groups in a psychological or philosophical way. But it uses a shell of a snail and some dead plants to create a new kind of snail. And I really like it, I think I can make this into a BEAM bot :). I hope :)

Anyway, this is enough for now,

until next time!


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