In terms of having no money I just used Electricity (and Internet) to go on with learning. I set my self a goal: create something similar as Casey Reas awesomeness! This would let me learn to make objects (which I already know a bit but can definetly be improved!), read the distance, let objects interact, and apply behavioral rules to objects. wooooooh :)
So to do this I opened Processing, and was already enticed by the opening screen showing kind of what I want to create:
wooooh :)
Okay so I started out trying out the dist() function between the middel of the screen and the mouse position. And I mapped this relation with the brightness of the lines:
So that was nice eh? But this isn't really what I wanted to get So I replaced the mouse by a simple dot that moves around and creates a line:
But then the middle is still the main point of it all, So now I created multiple objects (moving a bit randomly) that test each others distance:
THis is just a little beginning. Now I need to learn to create vectors and how to play with them and let the objects really interact with each other! :)
ah well, see you soon!
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