Sunday, May 1, 2011


Good evening!

This week I came across this video (from and it made me soooooo exited:

illucia: a modular codebending instrument from paper kettle on Vimeo.

I haven't checked the website out But I like the idea of using a physical machine/interface to change code on the go. i'm not sure what to do with it yet but it looked cool.

This kind of gave me the push to go and make some sort of Sequencer! I wanted to do this from scratch so I didn't check if other people made sequencers using an Arduino.

I didn't make pictures of the process so I'll talk you through it real quick.

first I wanted to see if I could make a timeline. So to press a button, Arduino records how long it is pressed, and then let a LED blink at the end of the time, and then repeat the time. (English is sooooo difficult right now!)

Then I checked if I could make the LED blink at certain points on that timeline, according to the moment I pressed that button.

After that I made the time I pressed the button come back in the timeline, so if i pressed it very shortly the sound would be short, and if I hold the button it would sound for a very long time.

Finally I added a PotMeter to change the pitch of the sound.

So here it is:

Arduino Sequencer very crude from FrankBorsboom on Vimeo.

First you need to press the button for as long as you want the timeline, and then you can press the button for the sound and use the pot meter for the pitch.

Next i want to use the potmeter to change the time of the timeline, so you can make it longer and slower or shorter and faster. And i'll use more buttons for more pitches.

So, that's it for now!

have fun!


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