Sunday, May 15, 2011

sequence further?


Last week I cleaned my room.... it took me the whole weekend! Damnit! phew... i really cleaned a lot, but it was necessary. Some time ago I showed a picture of my desk and surroundings, and it was obviously needed, so now everything is nice and tidy again,.,, sort of... it was... I already made it a dump.... anyway...

Last time I made a sequencer which was kind of glitchy, it would suddenly get an input when I didn't press anything resulting in some weird things. So actually the day after I made a new program that works better and (!!!!!) it makes it possible to use different notes! not that I used that at that moment...

anyway, one week and a half went by and ideas sprung up. first of all: to make more notes, which means more buttons... So I wrecked the circuit board that I got from my old, but honorable, mouse (which I have never even used...), and got me some nice and shiny buttons. :)

And now it worked with three buttons, which is definitely better than just one, seriously! I could actually now make some sort of tune, so this is going into the right direction! :)

But I can't show, it, or at least let you hear it because my webcam lost its power to listen... Don't you hate it when something like that happens? I do... but I made a picture... of it... it shows my finger pressing a button. Neath aye?

Anyway, that's kind of how far I got this hour, this week. It has been a real busy week with lots of stuff from my internship and making something really cool for mothers-day (a week late but hey) which i will show next week, I'm sure!

Somewhere up I probably said I have lots of ideas, first of all for the sequencer but that will come along nicely i think. But also other projects are coming to mind.

first of all to make some sort of toy:

I got this from Cast a designer toy. This is really nice in it self to do on my own. But what would be really nice to also add some LED's or sensors and connecting this to the arduino. So it can react to the environment and be playful. On the picture I made something that will be able to light it's eyes, or maybe even growl or scream :). I know this isn't awesome or anything but I like the idea of adding these things and see where it will go.

another thing is this:

This idea came when I wanted to make something that makes something else, or at least adds value to it. So this thing will look out the window and see how much light is coming in. Also it will slowly feed some kind of textile and put marks on it according to the light that comes from the window. got the idea?

What i want this to become is some way of showing how the week has been. So imagine this thing working for a week. You'll end up with a piece of cloth with dark and light markings on it. Which shows the day time, night time and somehow what kind of weather it has been. I donnu, to me it sounds interesting...

This was it already!

hopefully till next week! :)

1 comment:

  1. INDEED :P

    "But I can't show, it, or at least let you hear it because my webcam lost its power to listen... Don't you hate it when something like that happens? I do... but I made a picture... of it... it shows my finger pressing a button. Neath aye?"
